Quotas Info
Authorization Information
The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to this API, which can be used in the Action policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call the API. Please use RAM to set up these permissions and refer to RAM documentation for more instructions.
Request Parameters
Field Name | Field Details |
PageSizeinteger<int32> | The number of entries per page. Example:30value <= 100 |
PageNumberinteger<int32> | The page number. Example:1value >= 1 |
AliyunOrderIdstring | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud order. The value can be the ID of a virtual order. Example:239618016570503Reference Value Source: CreateOrGetVirtualLicenseOrder |
PurchaseChannelstring | The purchase channel. Valid values: aliyun_market and aliyun_public. aliyun_market specifies Alibaba Cloud Marketplace. aliyun_public specifies the PolarDB buy page. Example:aliyun_marketEnumeration Value:aliyun_marketaliyun_public |
PackageTypestring | The plan type. Valid values:View Details... Example:single_node_subscribeEnumeration Value:single_node_subscribesingle_node_long_termprimary_backup_subscribeprimary_backup_long_termpre_generation_long_term |
VirtualOrderboolean | Specifies whether to query only virtual orders. Example:trueEnumeration Value:truefalse |
Response Parameters
Field Name | Field Details |
Itemsarray<object> | The queried orders. |
PageNumberinteger<int32> | The page number. Example:1 |
PageRecordCountinteger<int32> | The number of entries returned on the current page. Example:12 |
RequestIdstring | The request ID. Example:34458CD3-33E0-4624-BFEF-840C15****** |
TotalRecordCountinteger<int32> | The total number of entries returned. Example:50 |