- Policy
- Multi-account management
- Instances
- Protection
- Logs
- On-demand instances
- Tags
- Other

Request Parameters
Field Name | Field Details |
InstanceIdstring | The ID of the on-demand instance.View Details... Example:ddosbgp-cn-z2q1qzxb****Reference Value Source: DescribeInstanceList ListOpenedAccessLogInstances |
RuleNamestring | The name of the scheduling rule.View Details... Example:ddosbgp-cn-z2q1qzxb**** |
RuleConditionMbpsstring | The threshold of inbound bandwidth. Unit: Mbit/s. Minimum value: 100. Example:100 |
RuleConditionKppsstring | The threshold of inbound packets. Unit: kilo packets per second (Kpps). Minimum value: 10. Example:10 |
RuleConditionCntstring | If the inbound bandwidth or packets consecutively exceed the threshold for the specified number of times, the scheduling rule is triggered and traffic is rerouted to the on-demand instance. The specified number of times is the value of this parameter.View Details... Example:3 |
RuleActionstring | The scheduling action. Set the value to declare, which indicates that the route is advertised. Example:declare |
RuleSwitchstring | Specifies whether the scheduling rule is enabled. Valid values:View Details... Example:on |
RuleUndoModestring | The stop method of the scheduling rule. Valid values:View Details... Example:autoReference Value Source: QuerySchedruleOnDemand |
RuleUndoBeginTimestring | The start time of the period during which the scheduling rule is automatically stopped. The time must be in the 24-hour clock and in the Example:03:00 |
RuleUndoEndTimestring | The end time of the period during which the scheduling rule is automatically stopped. The time must be in the 24-hour clock and in the Example:03:05 |
TimeZonestring | The time zone of the time when the scheduling rule automatically stops. The time zone must be in the Example:GMT-08:00 |
RegionIdstring | The region ID of the on-demand instance.View Details... Example:cn-zhangjiakouReference Value Source: DescribeRegions |
Request Description
All Alibaba Cloud API operations must include common request parameters. For more information about common request parameters, see Common parameters.
For more information about sample requests, see the Examples section of this topic.
Response Parameters
Field Name | Field Details |
RequestIdstring | The request ID. Example:BD06F539-2FBE-450D-9391-7EFF787128F5 |